Embodied Breastfeeding is a 90 min group session hosted by Dr. Brittney & Meghan Thornburgh

We are here to support you & your baby where ever you are in your feeding journey: breastfeeding, bottle feeding, currently bottle feeding but want to get back to breastfeeding, etc.

If you have been told your baby has an oral tie and you’re not sure what to do next, we can help. If you are preparing your baby for a frenectomy (tie release procedure), we can help. If you had the frenectomy done with your baby & didn’t get the outcomes you were looking for, we can help.

Classes are every other Tuesday or Thursday 11:30am-1:15pm at Evergreen Chiropractic

***When making the appointment, please make it in your BABY’s name! There is an option in Jane (scheduling software) where you can create a profile for both yourself and your baby. When scheduling your baby an appointment, we need the appointment booked in your baby’s name. Thank you!